Concealer: The Good, The Bad, and The Bags!

undereye circlesI have received countless requests asking all sorts of questions about concealer. Specifically, how to get rid of those dark circles under the eyes, how to deflate the bags that no one wants to carry around, and the best products to use to accomplish it all. I am pleased to present you with this, my latest post – Concealer:  The Good, The Bad, and The Bags! Your one-stop reference for addressing those concerns. Let’s dive right in. I have good news and bad news. I want to start with the bad so we can quickly put it behind us and focus on the good. The bad news is the circles and the bags are hereditary and there is not much you can do to get rid of them short of seeing a plastic surgeon. The good news is there are products you can use to conceal them and steps you can take to deflate them. I am going to tell you which products are best for concealing different problemed areas and teach you how to apply them so you will always look your best. Let’s get started.

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New Jersey Bride: Choosing a Makeup Artist

When it comes to getting married, there is no better time to do it than in the Spring time. The weather is getting warmer and the flowers are blooming. Many factors contribute greatly to achieving your best day ever. From knowing you hired an experienced photographer to the warmth of the sun shining down on you to the makeup you will be wearing. Here’s how to make the most out of it.

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